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International UCC Support

Internationalisation is a strategic priority for University College Cork.

As one of the strategic goals of the University Strategic Plan 2017 – 2022, UCC aims to “embed internationalisation more deeply and sustainably into the university’s identity by increasing the quantity, quality and diversity of international students, enabling the increased internationalisation of the curriculum and strengthening the culture of global mobility, inbound and outbound, for students and staff.”

Consequently, UCC Academy assists UCC in extending and developing connections worldwide with universities, research institutes, enterprise, alumni and prospective students.

The UCC International Office administers internationalisation initiatives and renders strategies into tactics and opportunities suited to geographic territories and College/School priorities.  UCC Academy staff are embedded within the structures of the International Office, and within Academic Colleges, to pursue institutional ambitions for global engagement.

International UCC Support Team

UCC Academy

UCC Academy DAC, University College Cork, Western Gateway Building 2.02, Western Road, Cork. Registered Charity Number: 20141431 ,
